hr influencer
When Matthew Savino started his human resources career
24 years ago, he was quite literally working in the salt
After spending a few years with the Canadian Salt
Company in Windsor and then Montreal, Savino decided to shake
things up with a series of progressive HR roles. He eventually landed
in Peterborough, Ont., where he founded Savino Human Resources
Partners (SHRP) in 2009.
A boutique consulting firm that offers customized HR services to
clients of all sizes, SHRP represented a big leap of faith for Savino,
who left behind the world of guaranteed pay, health benefits and corporate
pension to pursue the dream of founding his own company.
Today, he is the managing partner and senior consultant at his fourperson
firm, and he’s loving every minute of it.
HR Professional asked Savino to discuss the challenges of entrepreneurship
within the ever-changing field of human resources,
where the influence of technology is greatly impacting traditional
roles and functions.