
Organizations need a more integrated approach

By Alison Grenier

Oprah Winfrey. Meryl Streep. Charlize Theron. These are just a few of many prominent women trying to raise awareness of the gender-pay gap in society. And initiatives like HeForShe have created a platform for men, as well as women, to speak on issues including the pay gap on a global platform.

Does anti-discrimination law create an inclusive workplace?

By Alison Grenier

The issue of discrimination in the workplace is an ongoing point of discussion and contention. From the evident gender pay gap to the advancement of visible minorities into C-suite positions, the market continuously experiences dialogue as it works toward the goal of equality in the workforce.

A global movement dealing with gender equality can germinate anywhere, from large global companies to the smallest of businesses

By Joel Kranc

Elizabeth Nyamayaro was only eight years old when a famine hit her small village in Zimbabwe. It had been two days since her last meal when she met, what she describes, as a “beautiful African woman wearing a blue uniform,” (as it turns out, a U.N. aid worker). The woman handed her a bowl of porridge telling her, “As Africans, we must all uplift each other.”