Published Articles

June 2018

  • Knowledge is Power

    How one company’s management takes intentional steps to allow knowledge to flow freely throughout its organization

    By Alison Grenier


    Hilti makes and designs products, services and software that power the professional construction industry. Based in more than 120 countries with more than 27,000 team members globally, Hilti excels through outstanding innovation, quality products and direct customer relationships.

  • Mind Your Mindfulness

    Mindfulness at work can make a huge difference to your bottom line. Here’s why. 

    By Dr. Geoff Soloway


    Thanks to the tireless efforts of numerous mental health leaders, including the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, Bell Let’s Talk and even PrincesWilliam and Harry, the stigma around mental health has been reducing. And not a minute too soon:

  • Is Domestic Abuse a Workplace Issue?

    It is an employer’s responsibility to ensure the safety of all STAFF members at work

    By Jenn Miller


    In the past, it was an accepted attitude that domestic violence was a personal problem. What happened in the privacy of one’s home, behind closed doors, was to remain there. In fact, it used to be widely frowned upon to discuss personal issues at work, bring feelings or emotions related to personal problems into the workplace or take time away from the workplace to deal with personal or family-related issues.

  • There’s No App for This

    How organizations cater to Millennials

    By Mark Edgar


    By 2025, the much discussed Millennial generation will make up 75 per cent of the workforce, making it more important than ever for businesses to ensure this group has what they need to succeed and stay “in the game.” They are an important community of change-makers that should not be overlooked. For HR professionals, this means that enabling a culture of adaptability and openness, while ensuring the employee experience is front and centre, should be priority number one.

  • The New Cavalry

    Put HR front and centre in your cybersecurity line of defense

    By Ching Mac


    Cybersecurity concerns can bring a chill to even the most accomplished, seasoned business executives. Making the right changes to properly secure an organization can seem daunting and complex because cybersecurity cannot be ignored or neglected. Research shows cybersecurity is a crucial driver of business value. This continues to be reinforced as global scandals around data security are increasingly publicized and as consumers have higher awareness and expectations around privacy and security.

  • Han Solo, CEO?

    Five ways to be a Rebel Leader in the boardroom

    By David Solot, Ph.D.


    A lot of things come to mind when people think about Han Solo – gambler, smuggler, scoundrel. Yet this all-time favourite Star Warscharacter doesn’t usually get credit for one of his greatest strengths – leadership.

    With the global business climate in a now-constant state of flux, it’s time to rethink some classic views on leadership. Han Solo exemplifies some of the essential characteristics of a modern leader. Here’s how he does it and how any leader can be the next Rebel Leader in the boardroom.

  • Passing the Torch

    With the five-generation workforce and waves of Baby Boomers retiring en masse, institutional knowledge transfer is more important than ever.

    Most organizations have processes in place when it comes to retirement or turnover. A turnover document, formal manual on how to perform the job, even one-to-one training if the outgoing and incoming employees overlap in tenure can all be very helpful tools. But in recent years, the knowledge transfer conversation has turned toward the intangibles.

  • Artificial Intelligence Invasion

    With AI set to change everything, here’s what HR leaders can do to prepare the workforce of the future

    By Heather Hudson


    The world is set to be rocked by an innovation that is “more profound than electricity or fire,” said Google CEO, Sundar Pichai, at a Google town hall event in San Francisco in January 2018. “AI (artificial intelligence) is one of the most important things humanity is working on.”

  • Meet the HR Influencers: Amato Della Vecchia, CHRE

    It’s been said many times that we are a product of our environment.

    This may be particularly true of the university experience, when young people are exposed to exciting new ideas and possibilities they’ve never considered before.

    Such was the case for Amato Della Vecchia, whose chance enrolment in a university labour relations course was the catalyst that sparked a lifelong passion for human resources.

  • Accommodating Chronic Illness in the Workplace

    How to support employees for success


    One of the most sensitive and difficult issues that human resources professionals grapple with on a daily basis is how to accommodate employees with disabilities in the workplace. Interestingly, however, the topic remains a grey area, leaving many questions unanswered. How much is too much medical documentation? What can you ask for? What should you do to meet your duty to accommodate? At what point does the accommodation process itself become discriminatory?