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The hottest trend for 2019?

By Lee-Martin Seymour


There are so many exciting HR trends that are expected to emerge or evolve in 2019 – AI, candidate experience and real-time measurement to name just a few. However, one that should really be discussed is recruitment marketing.

Younger generations’ trusting relationship with technology could create security threats for organizations

By Francis Dinha


Millennials represented 35 per cent of the labour force in 2017, and the share of Gen Zers is growing every day. Since these generations grew up immersed in technology, they tend to be far more tech savvy than their older counterparts, especially in the workplace.

Why you want Millennials on your team

By Catherine Finley


Stereotypes about millennials are as abundant as the demographics’ presence in today’s workforce, which will account for three quarters of the global workforce by 2025. Society’s most buzzed-about generation is frequently perceived as one that prioritizes experiences over financial security and one that is happy to jump between jobs without giving a lot of thought to long-term career goals.

The end of traditional offices and the rise of digital nomads

By Karoli Hindriks


Remember fax machines? You know, those clunky shrines to the 20th-century office? It may be hard to believe now, but at one time they were seen as innovative and cutting-edge, a symbol of the future of work at the time. Like many of the nostalgic technological tools from yesteryear, the way we work is on the same path to becoming obsolete.

Why corporate social responsibility should be a key component of every company’s talent acquisition strategy

By Caroline Stephens



As the race for talent tightens in Canada, it has become imperative that employers go above and beyond the norm to refine their recruitment strategies and attract talent, and to retain their current workforce. One area that has taken on major significance for all talent, but primarily millennials, is corporate social responsibility (CSR). By 2025, three-quarters of the world’s working population will be millennials.

Help your workers beat the winter blues

By Rhea Attar


Employers may be facing grumpier-than-usual workers this month. The culprit? Cold temperatures. Of the Canadian employees responding to a 2018 Accountemps survey, 56 per cent said winter weather has a negative impact on their state of mind and 25 per cent cite January as the unhappiest month of the year.